
Maw Shein Win is a writer, editor, and educator who lives and works in the Bay Area. Her poetry has appeared in many journals and several anthologies including MARY: A Journal of New Writing, Talking Writing, Poetry International, Cimarron Review, and others. She was an Artist in Residence at Headlands Center for the Arts and is a member of the San Francisco Writers Grotto. Her collaborative book with paintings by artist Mark Dutcher, Ruins of a glittering palace, was published by SPA/Commonwealth Projects. Her poetry chapbook Score and Bone is on Nomadic Press. Her full-length collection Invisible Gifts: Poems was published by Manic D Press in 2018. Win is the first poet laureate of El Cerrito (2016 - 2018) and her forthcoming second full-length collection of poetry will be published by Omnidawn in Fall 2020. She is currently a Visiting Scholar in the English Department at UC Berkeley for Spring 2019.